• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions scope 3 by 18% by 2030
  • 100% of solutions will be offered with zero freshwater-use by 2030 
  • 100% of packaging-related solutions use sustainable packaging materials by 2030
  • 100% of service parts and machinery packaging material to fulfill one of the five R’s of circular economy (Reduce; Re-use; Repair; Remanufacture; Recycle) by 2026 

Industrial Size Reactors

The small-scale BATCH FORMULA® PRO High Shear Test Mixer 100L is a cost-efficient option to trial and develop a formulation prior to investing in a standard, full-scale BATCH FORMULA® PRO High Shear Mixer. Tests can be done to prepare recipes and clarify important process parameters such as temperature profiles and production times, which expedites scale-up and process development. Providing the highest possible levels of efficiency, flexibility and hygiene we offer high shear mixing equipment from initial small-scale testing to full-scale commercial production. Customers can choose to test the 100L test mixer and solutions at our test failities in Germany, Denmark and the US. Contact us today about your product development plans Rental Our 100L GEA BATCH FORMULA® PRO High Shear Test Mixers are available for both short and long term rentals and can be shipped globally, allowing you to perform your own tests at your own site, using your own raw materials. We understand that some customers may find this a daunting prospect and that’s why we will always be on hand to support you. Our high shear rental test mixers can be installed with ease at your facilities and connected to your existing process equipment. Rent before you own: contact us today to find out more

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